About us
We are a successful marine demolition and dismantling company. We und;rertake work on vessels of any size or condition.
Our experienced demolition team operate at our dedicated site in Erith, Kent. Where we have our own 40m x 25m pontoon and 36m x 8m floating dry dock.
How we work
Whilst we are happy to work alongside you should you want to plan your own project, we can also organise a start to finish operation for you. This can include, but is not limited to, applying for any licences that may be needed, arranging the tow of vessels to site and preparing vessels for safe passage. All our tow contracts are arranged with professional tug operators and skippers. Alternatively, we can work on vessels where they are moored.
Works on all vessels is managed and carried out to a very high standard, abiding by all legal requirements.
National Demolition Training Group
All our operatives are trained by Weldcare Ltd. and have been awarded certificates from the National Demolition Training Group in the following areas:
Level 1: Safe use and operation of oxy-fuel gas cutting and heating equipment course.
Level 2: Dismantlers oxy-fuel cutting course.
Every vessel is different therefore our Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessments and Method Statements are always specific to the vessel.
A comprehensive Health & Safety Policy, Risk Assessment and Method Statement is drawn up for each vessel, and is always in place and available for our clients perusal, prior to any work commencing.
Secure Measures Marine considers Health and Safety to be of the paramount importance and an integral part of our business.
We recognise that under the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) we have a legal duty to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all of our employees and any other parties that may be affected by our activities.
We continuously work towards improving and developing our Health and Safety Policy. We monitor our progress and performance and take corrective action where necessary, in order to maintain our health and safety standards.
Secure Measures Marine uses Risk Assessments to systematically evaluate the potential risks that may be involved in a particular activity during the course of our works being carried out.
We consider Risk Assessments very important as they form an integral part of a good health and safety management plan.
We use Risk Assessments to raise awareness of hazards, identify who may be at risk, and to prioritise hazards and control measures in an effort to create a safer working environment.
Our Risk Assessments detail the possible risks associated with our works and the methods of control to be established, to show how the work will be managed safely.
Secure Measures Marine use Method Statements to describe, in sequential order, exactly how a job is to be carried out and to detail the way in which each particular task is to be completed.
Sometimes due to circumstances beyond our control, i.e. sudden inclement weather, it may become necessary to deviate from the original Method Statement in order to maintain a safe working environment and reduce hazard risks. This ensures that our works are completed in a safe and efficient manner.
Secure Measures Marine strive to maintain and improve the surrounding area of the working environment by preventing pollution, using the best environmentally friendly practice for the given situation. Environmental commitments are an integral part of our day to day running.
We continuously try to eliminate, or minimise the impact of our working activity on the environment in which we operate by promoting recycling and minimising waste.
We are always looking for the best ways to improve our energy efficiency in our work to try and help reduce the carbon footprint.
Oxy Propane Cutting. Secure Measures Marine always ensure that all of their burners are safe and competent regarding the use of oxy propane cutting and burning equipment. All burners used by Secure Measures Marine are trained in the safe use and practice of oxy propane cutting. Our burners have to pass the required standard, set by Weldcare, before starting any burning work.
We always maintain safe working practices particularly in areas such as, cylinder types and their identification, types of equipment and their relevant safety devices, equipment assembly and testing procedures, action to be taken in the event the equipment becomes unsafe, lighting up and shutting down procedures, to name but a few key areas. A range of techniques is used to produce good quality cutting on materials of varying thickness.
Year Established
Projects Completed
Contractors Appointed
Awards Won
For enquiries contact us on 07895 565755 or email us at
Alternatively, complete the form below and we will be in touch with you.
Contact Us
Head Office
Get in touch: 07895 565755